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Ll speak one language. Irrelevant question as it is the de-facto official language of the EU. English is kinda the unofficial language of the world. From elite universities to schools all over the continent. Zte axon 7 cheap No, because Europe is about diversity, not monopoly. Yes it is the official business language no matter bexit or not … English can play the same role as it plays today. No time to loose with another useles language! The world has English!
No time to loose with you. This will probably make the liberals heads explode :) Gina, you are mistaken which I know from my own experience. Von Stefanie Gentner Porsche hat sich zu einem der angesehensten Automobilhersteller entwickelt.
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This is my effort. Bad German is better than good English Error, error: The sports car manufacturer Porsche works very much in the German language internally.
By Stefanie Gentner Porsche has developed into one of the most prestigious car manufacturers. Porsche is in any case convinced in its adherence to the German language.
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Not yet but it should be eventually for a better understanding and easy communication. It should be the only working but not the only official language.
And after that, same food, same clothes, it reminds me a bit USSR! You cannot expect people to study languages all their lives in order to work in specific countries Official? Since UK is leaving i wonder what would be the official language.
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Perhaps FRENCH or GERMAN. New order of Europe has lost his soul why should the language of a no longer member country be the choice?
Yes ur right, people have the right to make stupid stupid decisions. Of course not……what is so special about english.
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A bit like russian when USSR was Jude! I dont know…maybe cause everybody is using it? Like you and me right now! Like english, french is one of two languages spoken on the five continents… Well, french is not as spoken as spanish and portuguese.
Just look in 2050, french will be the second most spoken language! This question is pointless Yes and no. English is a problem, not a solution.
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Leb wohl Robb, your problem is that you can not stand different points of view. Yeah Some of us still have values, like patriotism, property rights, owning businesses and investments, pay less taxes for socialist programs, being independent and free thinking. I think Esperanto would make a better international language.
French and German should follow. Why should French and German follow?
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French and German have less native speakers than Castilian and Portuguese. If this is what it takes to make it work German discipline is very welcome.
There remains only the precise German language :) My language is much more precise than german and has much more native speakers as well. No, not at all. English people should start learning languages as well. Everything can be discussed but not taken into extrems I see plenty of English people who need to learn basic English before they even think about another language. If a second language is needed it should be Mandarin Chinese or Standard Mandarin.
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It should be Klingon. Who could possibly object to that? But thank you for showing your hatred of free speech, its so very EU-European of you. How much does Brussels pay you? Given your obvious hatred for any opinion that does not agree with yours maybe you should find an EU supporters page to post your vile comments on instead of one set up to exchange ideas. That was actually a great idea, shame it never took off. Because of the millions who already know this language right? As long as Germany owns the EU they do not care what language you use. All languages spoken in EU should be official, english included.
Well considering that UK has gone, no, but all the world speaks English so yes YES!!! Is the time to walk the path for a unique common language. Make Latin or Greek the official languages!
We do not need another English colony!!! The EU is not a country.
What we study in my nation is none of your business. Fascism, Nazism, Communism and now Europeanism, only the colour of the flag really changes.
You really need to join the 21st century, the world is far larger than the decaying EU. Galina Dimitrova Valcheva Do you, why? The world speaks English so learning another European Language is utterly pointless. Iliya Vesselinov (The very definition of a troll) Thanks for the insult comrade, its a pity though its all you pro EU fanatics have left. Ireland and Malta have also english official language Obviously…
In every country of Europe all communities learn English and the youngest population speak English all most so well as their mother tongue!! Looks like you take things personally.
So this is a useless conversation. Weronika Natkaniec We are very happy about leaving the pointless EU thanks :) Majority of the most important achievements is financed by the richest country, the US, and consequently they are published in English.
The world would be a better place if we could all speak a number of languages :) They left eu so no more english influence on eu life Why do we need the EU anyway to speak our own languages? More languages, much more opportunities!
English NATIVE: 340 million TOTAL: 510 million 5. German NATIVE: 101 million 2nd: 128 million TOTAL: 229 million it will be hard to learn japanese or mandarin or those others but think a but honey, there are more speakers of russian spanish portuguese 512 Mio people life in Europe darling. Like it or not English is the language of the EU, despite the nonsense Juncker says. The posts on this page pretty much proves it. Yes, especially now, when Britain is leaving EU! Esperanto as EU official language.
Anyway, I like to learn laguages, because they widen my ways of thought. Can you tell me how many peoples will speak french in 2050 than german in the world? Probablement le mandarin…
I generally agree with Nick Pawley above on this one for efficiency and fairness reasons. Now that Britain is leaving I see that as a joke.! Because Europe would loose part of its multi-cultural and multi-societal fabric.
This is a silly question! English is the common denominador in most international transactions!
Why not also reduce the European Commission and European Vocabulary to 400 words to be sure that everybody understands and to reduce the costs of printing and archiving :( Are you kidding us? Please, we need a common language now! Doru Beldiman prea multe conturi fake pe aici …. Since Guillaume the Conquer got the island in 1066? Europe will be the most drammatic disaster of the world! Greek is the language that everyone should speak in Europe (Europe is Greek name) is there a choice!! People learn English not to talk to the British but to talk to each other. Down with the language and indigenous ethnic diversity!
Ireland is a small country. No one else speaks English in the EU. Whatever happened to Esperanto?
Maybe its time has come Esperanto as an active language is a subject even more dated and done than the original question here. The English just told them to get stuffed. If there should be further integration, there must be one language.
Brexit means brexit NO NO NO NO NO … and NO!!!!!!!!! Your name required Your email required Your email will not be published Post comment Cancel reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. View all GlobalQuality How should Europe respond to the refugee crisis?
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There are more than 60 indigenous, regional or minority languages officially recognised in the European Union. These are not dead languages… Quality How can Europe better integrate immigrants?
The British government is currently pushing for EU rules on freedom of movement to be changed. Today, we want to share with you another big thing that you will first see in the developer channel for Opera f
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